Nebraska Main Page
A large part of the history of Nebraska is the history of people crossing Nebraska to get elsewhere. The Oregon Trail and the Transcontinental Railroad (Union Pacific) are examples.
The Traveling Morgans always have scenic destinations in mind, but found much of interest in Nebraska.
Scott's Bluff is known in history books as a landmark along the Oregon Trail. It is also a scenic wonder. The people who work there are among the kindest at any National Park or National Monument. It is the only place where the shuttle would also shuttle our dogs. The shuttle took The Traveling Morgans to the top of Scott's Bluff, and would have come back. We elected to walk down.
Our tour through Nebraska concentrated on the Oregon Trail Landmarks this time. Courthouse Rock and Jail Rock were wonderful to see, as well as Chimney Rock. In the future, perhaps we will be able to see some of the Oregon Trail crossing points of the South Platte and the route of the original Union Pacific.
Something very different in Nebraska was the Wal-Mart stores along I-80. It was hard to find a Wal-Mart for an overnight stop. Most of the Wal-Marts near I-80 had 50 or more semitrucks parked in their lots. While our trailer could have been parked in the areas obviously used by trucks -- if we could find an empty space -- the noise of engines running all night would not have been conducive for sleep. Wal-Marts with large numbers of trucks parked are neither good nor bad, they are just different.
Top of Scott's Bluff
You could see back along the Oregon Trail all the way to Chimney Rock the day we were on top of Scott's Bluff. In the mid 1800's, with the cleaner air, you could have seen further.
The staff at Scott's Bluff National Monument was wonderful, even taking our dogs in their transport
van to the top of Scott's Bluff.
We would highly recommend getting acquainted with the caretakers
of this fine monument.