Custer State Park - Sylvan Lake Area
Sylvan Lake is a beautiful Alpine Lake high up in the Black Hills in Custer State park.
Sylvan Lake
Does this scene look familiar to you? You may recognize it from National Treasure 2, the Book of Secrets. It was used as the location for an entrance to a cavern of pre-Columbian treasure. There is not as much water in all of the Black Hills as the movie showed in the cavern. It is an entertaining movie.
The rock at lower right is probably the basis for Ben "surrendering his hand to the heart of the warrior". You are allowed to climb up there.
Rock Climbing is very popular in the area.
Sylvan Rocks Climbing School says they worked with Nation Treasure 2, and they have a good reputation. The Traveling Morgans have no experience with rock climbing.
Sylvan Lake is a beautiful setting for anything.
If you want to fish, it is a great place.
The scenery might make you forget the fish.
Little Devils Tower Trail
There are two noted trails that start at Sylvan Lake, both have a second trailhead nearby.
The Traveling Morgans have not had the opportunity to take the Harney Peak trail to the highest peak in the United States that is east of the Rocky Mountains. It is about 7 miles one way. The fire tower from the Civilian Conservation Core days is quite recognizable from a distance. See the Iron Mountain Road page and the Michelson Trail section of the main Black Hills page for pictures of Harney Peak from a distance.
The Little Devils Tower trail is only about 4 miles round trip, but it is much steeper than the guide books would make you believe. We took this short but challenging trail, along with our small dogs, in 2005.
There is a another distant picture of Little Devil's Tower on the Michelson Trail section of the main Black Hills page.