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This preview last updated: Tue Sep 17, 2013.

Michigan Navigation

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Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Preview

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore pictures that will grow into a full web treatment.

Land based pictures

Miner's Castle from land observation deck.

Grand Sable Dune.

Lake Superior Overlook.

Munising Overlook.

Closeup from Munising Overlook with boat near cave.

Boat Tour

Cave of All Colors.

Painted Rocks near Cave of All Colors.

Lovers' Leap.

Lovers' Leap.

Indian Head profile.

Grand Portal.

Sea Caves Pictures.

Battleship Row.

Chapel Cove.

Chapel Rock.

Chapel Beach.

Miners Castle from the lake.

Spray Falls.

Chapel Rock with tree root reaching shore.

Spray Falls.

Grand Island Lighthouse.

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